Category Archives: Long Term Data

Projections of Educational Attainment by Country

Using the estimates on school enrollment and population structure, we have constructed projections of educational attainment for the population, disaggregated by gender and age group (15–24, 25–64, and 15–64) for 146 countries from 2015 to 2040 at five-year intervals.

We first use the 2010 data on educational attainment by age group as benchmark figures to project the educational attainment of the population by age group for the next three decades. We then estimate the distribution of educational attainment for the younger population, aged 15-24, at the five-year intervals from 2015 to 2040 and then forward-extrapolate the estimates to construct the distribution of educational attainment for the older population groups. For the population structure, we use existing U.N. projections. For the detailed explanation of the estimation method, see Barro and Lee (2015, chapter 3).

Download the list of variables and countries in the dataset.

Full Dataset Education Attainment for Population Aged 15-64, 2015-2040

Download data for total, female and male population aged 15-64 in dta, xls, or csv format.

Total population, aged 15-64.

Stata Excel csv

Female population, aged 15-64.

Stata Excel csv

Male population, aged 15-64.

Stata Excel csv

Education Attainment for Population Aged 15-24, 2015-2040

Download data for total, female and male population aged 15-24 in dta, xls, or csv format.

Total population, aged 15-24.

Stata Excel csv

Female population, aged 15-24.

Stata Excel csv

Male population, aged 15-24.

Stata Excel csv

Education Attainment for Population Aged 25-64, 2015-2040

Download data for total, female and male population aged 25-64 in dta, xls, or csv format.

Total population, aged 25-64.

Stata Excel csv

Female population, aged 25-64.

Stata Excel csv

Male population, aged 25-64.

Stata Excel csv

Data Sources

We have compiled all available enrollment ratios for primary, secondary, and tertiary levels for the 89 countries from 1820 to 1945 at five-year intervals using the various sources. Where necessary, the underlying data were applied to the nearest five-year date.

Available compendia (Banks and Wilson, 2013; Mitchell, 2003a, 2003b, 2003c; UNESCO, 1958, 1961, 1966; Benavot and Riddle, 1988; Lindert, 2004) provide historical enrollment statistics for many independent states and colonies. Additional historical statistics, especially those on female enrollment, are available from the US Bureau of Education’s Report of the Commissioner of Education (various years), Barnard (1854), and Monroe (1911). We have also compiled data from other sources, including national statistical publications. The historical estimates for 1820–1945 are combined with information from UNESCO publications since 1950 to get a full time series on enrollment ratios up to 2010.

Banks, A.S., & Wilson, K.A. 2013. Cross-national time-series data archive. Jerusalem: Databanks International.

Barnard, H. 1854. National education in Europe: being an account of the organization, administration, instruction and statistics of public schools of different grades in the principal states. New York: C.B. Norton

Benavot, A., & Riddle, P. 1988. The Expansion of Primary Education, 1870–1940: Trends and Issues. Sociology of Education, 61(3), 191–210.

Lindert, P. 2004. Growing public. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press

Mitchell, B. R. 2003a. International historical statistics: Africa, Asia & Oceania, 1750–2000 (4th ed.). London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Mitchell, B. R. 2003b. International historical statistics: The Americas, 1750–2000 (5th ed.). London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Mitchell, B. R. 2003c. International historical statistics: Europe, 1750–2000 (5th ed.). London: Palgrave Macmillan

Monroe, P. 1911. A cyclopedia of education. New York: The Macmillan Company

United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). 1958. World survey of education II: Primary education. Paris: UNESCO.

United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). 1961. World survey of education III: Secondary education. Paris: UNESCO.

United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). 1966. World survey of education IV: Tertiary education. Paris: UNESCO

U.S. Bureau of Education. Various years. Report of the commissioner of education. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office

Data Set on Long-term Enrollment Ratios by Country

We construct a complete data set of historical enrollment ratios, subdivided by education level and gender, for 89 countries from 1820 to 1945 at five-year intervals. The original historical data on school enrollments are compiled from various sources. See data sources.

We construct estimates for a significant number of missing cells, especially in the cases of developing countries or former colonies by using interpolation and extrapolation techniques as explained in details in Barro and Lee (2015, chapter 2) and Lee J. and H. Lee (2015). The historical estimates for 1820–1945 are combined with information from UNESCO publications since 1950 to get a full time series on enrollment ratios up to 2010.

Download the list of variables and countries in the dataset.

The figures for trend in schoolenrollments, disaggregated by education level and gender, for individual countries from 1820 to 2010 are also downloadable. Every marker in the figures indicates the availability of the original enrollment data for the specific year in the individual countries.

Full Dataset

Enrollment Ratios by Level, 1820-2010

Download data for total, female and male population in dta, xls, or csv format.

Total population

Stata Excel csv

Female population

Stata Excel csv

Male population

Stata Excel csv

Trends in Enrollments Ratios by Country

Download figures for trend in school enrollments, disaggregated by education level and gender, for individual countries from 1820 to 2010 in pdf format.


List of Countries

AustriaHong Kong, ChinaPoland
BelgiumIndiaRepublic of Korea
BoliviaIranRussian Federation
BulgariaIrelandSierra Leone
CambodiaItalySouth Africa
CanadaJapanSri Lanka
Costa RicaMalaysiaSyria
Cote dIvoireMaliTaiwan
DenmarkMauritiusTrinidad and Tobago
Dominican Rep.MexicoTunisia
El SalvadorMyanmarUnited Kingdom
FinlandNew ZealandUSA

By region and group

Advanced Economies (23)Eastern Europe (5)Sub-Saharan Africa (17)
BelgiumHungaryCote dIvoire
DenmarkRussian FederationKenya
FranceLatin America (23)Mali
LuxembourgColombiaSierra Leone
NetherlandsCosta RicaSouth Africa
New ZealandCubaSudan
NorwayDominican Rep.Uganda
SpainEl Salvador
United KingdomJamaica
Asia and the Pacific (13)Panama
FijiTrinidad and Tobago
Hong Kong, ChinaUruguay
MalaysiaMiddle East and North Africa (8)
Republic of KoreaIran
Sri LankaIraq

Definition of Variables

Enrollment Ratios

The full dataset on enrollments contains the following variables:

BLcodeBarro-Lee Country Code
WBcodeWorld Bank Country Code
region_codeRegion Code
countryCountry Name
priadPrimary adjusted enrollment ratio
secadSecondary adjusted enrollment ratio
terTertiary gross enrollment ratio

Education Attainment

The full dataset on estimated educational attainment contains the following variables:

BLcodeBarro-Lee Country Code
WBcodeWorld Bank Country Code
region_codeRegion Code
countryCountry Name
agefromStarting Age
agetoFinishing Age
luPercentage of No Schooling Attained in Pop.
lpPercentage of Primary Schooling Attained in Pop.
lpcPercentage of Complete Primary Schooling Attained in Pop.
lsPercentage of Secondary Schooling Attained in Pop.
lscPercentage of Complete Secondary Schooling Attained in Pop.
lhPercentage of Tertiary Schooling Attained in Pop.
lhcPercentage of Complete Tertiary Schooling Attained in Pop.
yr_schAverage Years of Schooling Attained
yr_sch_priAverage Years of Primary Schooling Attained
yr_sch_secAverage Years of Secondary Schooling Attained
yr_sch_terAverage Years of Tertirary Schooling Attained

Data Set on Long-term Educational Attainment by Country

By utilizing the estimates of historical enrollment ratios from the 1820–1945 period, as well as the available census data and estimates of educational attainment by age for the 1950–2010 period, we have constructed a complete data set of estimates of educational attainment for the total and female populations at the five-year intervals from 1870 to 1945 for 89 countries. For the detailed explanation of the estimation method, see Barro and Lee (2015, chapter 2).

Combining this data set with existing data from Barro and Lee (2013), the data set presents estimates of educate ional attainment, classified by age group (15–24, 25–64, and 15–64) and by gender, for 89 countries from 1870 to 2010 at five-year intervals.

Download the list of variables and countries in the dataset.

Full Dataset

Education Attainment for Population Aged 15-64, 1870-2010

Download data for total, female and male population aged 15-64 in dta, xls, or csv format.

Total population, aged 15-64.

Stata Excel csv

Female population, aged 15-64.

Stata Excel csv

Male population, aged 15-64.

Stata Excel csv

Education Attainment for Population Aged 15-24, 1870-2010

Download data for total, female and male population aged 15-24 in dta, xls, or csv format.

Total population, aged 15-24.

Stata Excel csv

Female population, aged 15-24.

Stata Excel csv

Male population, aged 15-24.

Stata Excel csv

Education Attainment for Population Aged 25-64, 1870-2010

Download data for total, female and male population aged 25-64 in dta, xls, or csv format.

Total population, aged 25-64.

Stata Excel csv

Female population, aged 25-64.

Stata Excel csv

Male population, aged 25-64.

Stata Excel csv

Trends in Educational Attainment by Country Average Years of Schooling for Population Aged 15-24, 1870-2010

Download figures for total, female and male population aged 15-24 in pdf format.


Average Years of Schooling for Population Aged 25-64, 1870-2010

Download figures for total, female and male population aged 25-64 in pdf format.


Lee and Lee Long-Run Education Dataset

Complete Data Set


Enrollment Ratios by Level, 1820-2010

Download data for total, female and male population in xls format.

Total population

Female population

Male population

Education Attainment for Population Aged 15-64, 1870-2010

Download data for total, female and male population aged 15-64 in xls format.

Total population, aged 15-64.

Female population, aged 15-64.

Male population, aged 15-64.

Education Attainment for Population Aged 15-24, 1870-2010

Download data for total, female and male population aged 15-24 in xls format.

Total population, aged 15-24.

Female population, aged 15-24.

Male population, aged 15-24.

Education Attainment for Population Aged 25-64, 1870-2010

Download data for total, female and male population aged 25-64 in xls format.

Total population, aged 25-64.

Female population, aged 25-64.

Male population, aged 25-64.

Human Capital Stock for Population Aged 15-64, 1870-2010

Download data for total, female and male population aged 15-64 in xls format.

Total population, aged 15-64.

Female population, aged 15-64.

Male population, aged 15-64.

Lee and Lee Long-Run Education Dataset

Trends in Enrollment Ratios and Educational Attainment by Country

Enrollment Ratios by Level, 1820-2010

Download figures for total, female and male population in pdf format.


Average Years of Schooling for Population Aged 15-64, 1870-2010

Download figures for total, female and male population aged 15-64 in pdf format.


Average Years of Schooling for Population Aged 15-24, 1870-2010

Download figures for total, female and male population aged 15-24 in pdf format.


Average Years of Schooling for Population Aged 25-64, 1870-2010

Download figures for total, female and male population aged 25-64 in pdf format.