Data Set on Long-term Educational Attainment by Country

By utilizing the estimates of historical enrollment ratios from the 1820–1945 period, as well as the available census data and estimates of educational attainment by age for the 1950–2010 period, we have constructed a complete data set of estimates of educational attainment for the total and female populations at the five-year intervals from 1870 to 1945 for 89 countries. For the detailed explanation of the estimation method, see Barro and Lee (2015, chapter 2).

Combining this data set with existing data from Barro and Lee (2013), the data set presents estimates of educate ional attainment, classified by age group (15–24, 25–64, and 15–64) and by gender, for 89 countries from 1870 to 2010 at five-year intervals.

Download the list of variables and countries in the dataset.

Full Dataset

Education Attainment for Population Aged 15-64, 1870-2010

Download data for total, female and male population aged 15-64 in dta, xls, or csv format.

Total population, aged 15-64.

Stata Excel csv

Female population, aged 15-64.

Stata Excel csv

Male population, aged 15-64.

Stata Excel csv

Education Attainment for Population Aged 15-24, 1870-2010

Download data for total, female and male population aged 15-24 in dta, xls, or csv format.

Total population, aged 15-24.

Stata Excel csv

Female population, aged 15-24.

Stata Excel csv

Male population, aged 15-24.

Stata Excel csv

Education Attainment for Population Aged 25-64, 1870-2010

Download data for total, female and male population aged 25-64 in dta, xls, or csv format.

Total population, aged 25-64.

Stata Excel csv

Female population, aged 25-64.

Stata Excel csv

Male population, aged 25-64.

Stata Excel csv

Trends in Educational Attainment by Country Average Years of Schooling for Population Aged 15-24, 1870-2010

Download figures for total, female and male population aged 15-24 in pdf format.


Average Years of Schooling for Population Aged 25-64, 1870-2010

Download figures for total, female and male population aged 25-64 in pdf format.